Hi, I'm Ernesto Marrero Gámez

Cloud Engineer | DevOps Engineer

Analytical, and service oriented. with a solid technical base, a teamworker, with great ability to adapt. Responsible, proactive. Capable of generating ideas and solutions that add value to the institution and my peers. Cloud Services Evangelist.

About memy stats

Information About me

I started my experience as IT service desk support for Point of Sales at Adexus. At 2018 i started a new job on the OTIC CCHC as IT Support Analyst, with the time i was proyected to Infrastructure after the execution of 2 migrations of Mail servers ending on Office 365 service and i was the admintrator

In 2020 I started working in a Uruguayan Microsoft Partner company as a Cloud Engineer, where I learned about the Azure cloud and was certified as an Azure Administrator, with projections of becoming a DevOps Engineer. I am currently preparing to take the DevOps Engineer Expert exam.




Years of


Users to Microsoft 365



My Skills









Microsoft 365












Process documentation


Communication Skills


My Timeline

5-sep-2022 to 5-jan-2023

Technical Account Manager - XMS (Microsoft Gold Partner)

ACHIEVEMENTS: Automate through an Azure PowerShell script the change of attributes in thousands of blob files stored in thousands of blob storage. Migration of Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Servers to Flexible servers from version 10 to version 14.

12-jul-2021 to 1-sep-2022

Cloud Engineer - Arkano Software (Microsoft Gold Partner)

ACHIEVEMENTS: Increase knowledge in Microsoft Cloud technologies, participation in internal projects and with clients at a national and international level (Chile, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico, United States), Discovery of existing Azure resources, execution of governance plan and cost reduction in the consumption of subscriptions.

1-mar-2020 to 30-jun-202

IT infrastructure analyst - OTIC CChC

ACHIEVEMENTS: Creation of documentation of processes not established due to the newness of the area. Effectively lead Cpanel and Postfix email system migration projects to Microsoft 365, optimizing domain management, improving the availability and accessibility of information to users nationwide, apply internal training in the use of the Microsoft 365 Suite , developing better methodologies for collaboration and communication between them. Migration of services between Tenants of Microsoft 365.

10-oct-2020 to 1-mar-2020

IT Support Analyst - OTIC CChC

ACHIEVEMENTS: Regularization of requirements management, streamlining of processes in management of these, documentation of existing processes, creation of new processes, including flow of user registrations and cancellations, improvement in response times for incidents and requirements, automation of sub-management communications of systems to other areas at the national level, effective execution of technological renewal at the national level through Lenovo leasing, improving the work experience of users with the use of high-end computers, which allowed saving money on purchases of new equipment, Windows 10 licenses that would be devalued eventually and possible purchase of parts in case of failure.

10-nov-2017 to 31-jul-2018

N2 Helpdesk Agent - Adexus

ACHIEVEMENTS: Regularization of requirements management, streamlining of processes in their management, documentation of existing processes, creation of new processes, improvement in response times to field technicians and client agencies, standardization of information traffic between the Commercial and Operations Areas, proposals for improvement in the coordination between Adexus and Servipag for effective compliance with the SLA.

3-dec-2013 to 15-nov-2016

Helpdesk Assistant - CYLAM C.A

ACHIEVEMENTS: Successful assistance to Users. Recommendations for the optimization of tasks with the use of the computer.

My PortfolioMy Work

Here is some of my work that I've done in various programming languages.

This Portfolio!

My BlogsMy Blogs

How to Create Your Own Website

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus natus voluptas, eos obcaecati recusandae amet?

How to Become an Expert in Web Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus natus voluptas, eos obcaecati recusandae amet?

Become a Web Designer in 10 Days

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus natus voluptas, eos obcaecati recusandae amet?

Debbuging made easy with Web Inspector

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus natus voluptas, eos obcaecati recusandae amet?

Get started with Web Design and UI Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus natus voluptas, eos obcaecati recusandae amet?

This is what you need to know about Web Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus natus voluptas, eos obcaecati recusandae amet?

Contact MeContact

Contact me here


: Santiago, Chile


: ernestomarrero@outlook.cl


: Professional Institute AIEP, Chile | Computer Engineering

Mobile Number

: +56 9 4869 7308


: English, Spanish